Mating California Gray Whales off the Channel Islands Coast
by Channel Islands Whale WatchingToday was one of those days that you often “tell” our customers about, as we do not “often” have the opportunity to observe.
As we approached the drop off, the area where the bottom drops off rapidly creating the channel that separates the islands from the coast, we encountered a pod of 4 Grays engaged in playful activity.
They surfaced, rolled, spy hopped and just generally remained in the same area for an extended period…text book prequel to mating.
Then, another pair appeared and joined and to our amazement, we observed 2 groups join together and form 2 mating trios.
Those who have observed Grays as well as other whale species know that it requires 3 or more to mate.
We observed these two groups for over 2 hors rolling, thrashing, mating, spy hopping and breaching all while never leaving the same ½ mile of water where we first encountered them.
It was truly an amazing encounter.
At one point, our onboard photographer Ed Howell was so caught up in the encounter that while quickly changing his lens, dropped one from over 10 feet above the main deck…UGH…as we both looked at each other.
Glass shattered, feelings were anxious as we both contemplated the damage…but ultimately all was right as the images from today were flawless and his lens has lived to see another day.
Thanks Ed, and thank you to our Grays who did not mind us observing their natural behavior in the wild today.
We depart daily, and this has been a season of record encounters.
See you onboard,
Capt. Frank
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