Grey Whale Mother and Calf on North Bound Migration Whale Watching Report

by Channel Islands Whale Watching

Life just finds a way
Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching

We continued our observations offshore today as we observed more north bound Grey Whale mother/calf pairs.

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching

They stay so very near coastal in a desperate or cunning attempt to avoid interaction with predators. We came upon a particular pair this morning and we watched as mom and calf traveled slowly though our waters. The calf appeared to have more growth on its head than most and would rise to the surface in a laboring fashion.

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching
This little mammal kept pace with mom however, and just kept moving along. We noticed in Edwards images today that the little calf seemed to have so much growth as to possibly obstruct its nostrils or blowholes.

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching
Its breathing seemed labored and weak, but its will to survive was strong. Mom kept cautious eye over her precious cargo and made certain she slowed as her baby did.

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching
Life just finds a way in the wild.

Grey Whale Whale Watching Channel Islands Whale Watching

I feel confident our pair will reach the finish line and our baby will live to make this journey many times over.

Till next time…

Captain Frank


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