Southern California whale watching encounters south bound grey whales

by Channel Islands Whale Watching

Hi everyone,

Seems like old man winter has found us here in Southern California.

We were due, and to be quite honest, it feels kind of nice.

Face it, we all live here for the nice weather, but temps in the 80’s daily in January is a bit much.

Encounters continue daily, with a steady stream of south bound Gray Whales, but one thing we have noticed the past few days is that some of our whales have been a little apprehensive of the approach.
While conducting a bit of research online this evening, I discovered we have had a few quakes centered offshore between Ventura and Carpentaria.

Low frequency waves created by such activity travel great distances under water and this could quite possibly have huge effect on our mammoth migrators as they head south for the winter.

Stay tuned as we are on the water daily and will keep you posted as we observe their behavior daily.
The best is yet to come, as we still are seeing southbound activity.

When the north bound migration begins, that’s when we will see mom and calf pairs as well as much mating.

The Channel Islands have become a global destination to observe wildlife. Most of our trips take place in Park and Sanctuary waters.

These waters have been set aside for wildlife to not only survive, but to thrive.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard,

Capt. Frank

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